Many people find it very beneficial to spend time with their loved one after they have died. Spending time together can assist in the grieving process as it allows people to begin to accept the reality that is the death of their loved one. Families often feel overwhelmed by many intense emotions when someone dies. Spending time with the person who has died gives an opportunity to express some of these feelings and feel some relief. It also gives a chance to see the person they love one last time to say goodbye privately and in their own time. We recommend that we have a conversation about preparation options of your loved one to ensure they are presented in the absolute best way possible to allow this experience to be as beneficial as possible.
Some families choose to have their loved one at home or at their marae for this time and Betts can make arrangements to bring your loved one to you at a time that is suitable to your family. This special time with your loved one can also be in our private lounge if preferred, at any time, day or night.
Time together also allows for mementos to be placed in the casket with the person who has died, such as cards, letters, drawings from the children, gifts, photos, flowers and other significant items
Sometimes adults are unsure if children should spend this time together. In our experience, children often cope much better than their families expected. They also need to say their goodbyes and can feel left out and disappointed when they aren’t asked if they would like to come with you. It is important to explain about what they will see and how the viewing will take place to help them understand what’s going to happen.