Betts Funeral Services is proud to be a member of the following organisations giving our families we serve peace of mind they have chosen the very best in funeral care:

Funeral Directors
Association of New Zealand
The Funeral Directors Association of New Zealand (FDANZ) is the largest association of Funeral Directors in New Zealand and their members arrange and direct the majority of funerals in the country.
Choosing an FDANZ member gives immediate assurance of high quality standards and the very best in service and caring for your loved one and your family. You can be assured you are receiving expert advice from an authority in the field. Members are subject to a strict Code of Conduct, underpinned by the Code of Ethics to which FDANZ subscribes, giving you peace of mind and quality assurance. You can refer to for further information.

New Zealand Independent
Funeral Homes
The mission statement of NZIFH is “to promote amongst its members the highest standards of professionalism, integrity and ethics, a spirit of co-operation and support, and service excellence through ongoing education, to benefit the communities they serve”.
New Zealand Independent Funeral Homes (NZIFH) was formed by a group of leading New Zealand Funeral Directors to ‘Set the Standard’ in client service, Funeral Home premises and training. All NZIFH Funeral Homes are independently family owned and operated with no overseas or corporate connections. There is only one NZIFH member in each region that has been carefully selected and recognised as the leaders in their community. You can refer to for further information.