Today, more and more people are planning their funerals in advance. Pre-planning is simply organising your funeral service details before the need arises. Working together with a registered funeral company such as Betts Funeral Services, who have special training and experience, will assure these details will be taken care of and your wishes are secure.
- You want to ease the burden on your family – if your wishes are unknown when you pass, your family will be faced with making difficult decisions at a challenging time. By having them recorded, this takes the burden of decision making off them and gives them comfort knowing they are doing it your way
- You want your family to have the benefit of a meaningful farewell– a funeral service is especially important for a grieving family to help them through the healing and grieving process
- You want your final wishes to be followed– if you have specific wishes to be cremated or buried, favourite music you wish to be played or even a favourite food to be served at the service, all these help your family create the perfect farewell that you wanted
- You want to assume the financial responsibility for your funeral service– planning ahead enables you to also make financial arrangements to cover your funeral costs. If you wish to look at pre-paying, Betts can offer two secure options for pre-paying for your funeral through the FDANZ Trust (Funeral Directors Association of New Zealand) or the Public Trust
- You want to be self-reliant and have your affairs in order at the end of your life– now is the time to plan when you can think clearly while making these important decisions
- If you don’t have family who are able to ensure your wishes are carried out, pre-planning with us will ensure you are looked after in the way that you wish